How to take care of acne skin?

How to take care of acne skin?

What are the most important elements of acne skin care?

Acne-prone skin requires special attention: read beauty ingredient labels to use products that don’t clog pores or make acne worse.

Skin cleansing

It is recommended to use cleansers specially formulated for acne-prone skin.

 Products that help get rid of acne contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

It is important to clean the skin with gentle movements so as not to aggravate acne and lead to scarring.

The use of terrycloth or other fabrics can make acne worse.

Skin hydration

In fact, moisturizers are an essential part of your acne skincare routine.

Professional-recommended acne treatments may contain drying ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide, which can rob skin of moisture and make it red and irritated.

A good moisturizing product will retain water in the skin and help avoid unpleasant dryness and flaking.

It’s important to use lightweight, oil-free moisturizers that are labeled “non-comedogenic,” which means they won’t clog pores.

It is important that they contain ingredients such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid, which retain moisture in the skin.

It is recommended to avoid heavy, fatty foods that contain breakout-causing ingredients such as cocoa butter, mineral oil, or cooling creams.

Exfoliation and face masks

Face masks and scrubs have very little effect on improving acne.

A mild, non-abrasive cleanser formulated for your specific skin type—oily, dry, or combination—does so much more to keep your face free of breakouts.

Shaving without acne

Shaving can be both a plus and a minus for a man’s skin if he has acne.

On the plus side, daily shaving acts as a natural exfoliant, opening up pores so excess sebum doesn’t build up.

Shaving the wrong way or using the wrong products can aggravate acne.

The use of a non-irritating and nourishing shaving gel or shaving foam containing benzoyl peroxide or a topical antibiotic intended for acne patients is recommended.

It is important to shave down, in the direction of hair follicle growth, to prevent irritation.

After shaving, the use of lotions containing alcohol is not recommended.

 Instead, use an oil-free moisturizer or a prescription antibiotic lotion or gel.

Makeup and acne

In some cases, makeup can hide pimples very well, but sometimes it can aggravate pimples if the wrong type of concealer is used or if it is applied too thickly.

The redness and flaking that remains after many acne treatments can look even worse when covered up with heavy makeup.

It is important that all make-up components, from foundation to eye shadow, are oil-free, non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic, and non-irritating.

Mineral-based cosmetics contain additional ingredients such as silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide that absorb sebum and mask redness without irritating the skin or causing breakouts.

Another important ingredient is dimethicone, which also masks redness and smoothes skin imperfections.

Sun protection

Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen does not cause acne.

While red, sunburned skin can temporarily hide acne, burning skin too often leads to lines and wrinkles and increases the risk of skin cancer.

It is recommended to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30 and a physical blocker such as zinc oxide of at least 6% to protect the skin from both UV-A and UV-B rays.

A water-based sunscreen or light liquid gel or spray works best for acne-prone skin.

It is important to be careful with chemicals such as PABA and benzophenone, which can irritate sensitive skin.


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